2020.12.23 21:47Nation

対面授業187校で半分未満 大学再調査、「学生納得」8割―文科省


2020.12.23 21:47Nation

Face-to-Face Classes Cut by over Half at 187 Japan Universities

Face-to-face classes have been reduced to less than half of all classes at 187 public and private universities across Japan in the current academic year's second half from autumn, according to a survey by the education ministry.
   The survey also showed that over 80 pct of the 187 universities said they have won understanding and consent from many students about keeping the proportion of face-to-face lessons low to reduce the risk of infection with the new coronavirus.
   The results of the survey, covering 377 universities across the country, were released on Wednesday, with their names disclosed.
   Of the 187 universities, 80, the largest number, are located in Tokyo, including the University of Tokyo, Waseda University and Keio University, followed by 13 in Saitama Prefecture, 12 in Chiba Prefecture, and 10 in Kanagawa Prefecture, all neighboring Tokyo.
   Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, the eastern prefecture of Ibaraki, the central prefecture of Aichi and the western prefectures of Kyoto and Osaka, had six such universities each.


