2020.12.17 21:24Nation

海洋放出決定は時期尚早 原発処理水、風評被害を懸念―自民有志


2020.12.17 21:24Nation

LDP Lawmakers Want Alternatives to N-Plant Water's Release into Ocean

A group of lawmakers of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party agreed Thursday to ask the government to consider alternatives to the planned release into the ocean of treated radioactive water from the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
   At their first meeting, the members also affirmed a plan to submit to the government their written request concerning the treatment of the ever-increasing waste water at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s 2011 disaster-crippled plant in Fukushima Prefecture.
   The tanks on the premises of the plant to store the treated water are expected to reach their full capacity around autumn 2022.
   The government plans to release the water into the sea off the northernmost prefecture, whose food products have already been hit by rumors about contamination with the radioactive fallout from the March 2011 meltdowns at the TEPCO plant.
   Zegyoren, or the national federation of fisheries cooperative associations, as well as local fishers, opposes the plan out of concerns that the move will further cause harmful rumors.


