2020.12.08 08:25Nation

日本の核廃絶決議案採択 27年連続―国連総会


2020.12.08 08:25Nation

U.N. Adopts Japan-Proposed Nuke Abolition Resolution

The U.N. General Assembly voted on Monday to adopt a Japan-sponsored resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons for the 27th straight year.
   The resolution was backed by 150 U.N. members, with the United States and Britain newly becoming co-sponsors. But the number of supporters fell by 10 from the previous year.
   The resolution was opposed by China, North Korea, Russia and Syria, while France and 34 others abstained from voting.
   A separate resolution submitted by Australia calling on U.N. members that have not signed or ratified the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to do so was also adopted Monday, with the backing from 130 members.
   Japan, which has not signed the landmark treaty, voted against the resolution. The treaty is slated to go into effect in January next year.


