2020.12.08 07:04Nation

ホタルの光、昔は深緑色だった? 遺伝子から1億年前を再現―中部大など


2020.12.08 07:04Nation

Fireflies May Have Emitted Dark Green Light 100 M. Yrs Ago

Research by a Japanese team has suggested that fireflies may have glowed with a dark green light 100 million years ago, not the yellowish green light modern fireflies produce.
   The team, including professor Yuichi Oba of Chubu University's College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, said the dark green glow was reproduced in vitro, based on the genetic information of fireflies 100 million years ago identified through data analysis.
   According to Oba and others, fireflies produce lights through reactions of a light-producing enzyme called luciferase and a chemical called luciferin in an organ at the end of the abdomen.
   The team analyzed the genetic information of about 30 firefly species with known gene sequences of luciferase, out of some 2,000 recognized species around the world, and identified the gene sequences of the luciferase of fireflies 100 million years ago.
   When the team reproduced the enzyme using gene modification techniques and let it glow, the color was dark green, unlike the yellowish green emitted by Luciola cruciata, known as the Genji firefly in Japan, and Luciola lateralis, known as the Heike firefly.


