2020.11.23 20:35Nation

「全ての事業を継続」 中村医師襲撃1年で追悼式―福岡


2020.11.23 20:35Nation

Doctor Nakamura Remembered before 1st Anniversary of His Death

A memorial service for Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura was held at Kyushu University in the southwestern Japan city of Fukuoka on Monday, ahead of the first anniversary of his death in Afghanistan on Dec. 4.
   To mourn the death of Nakamura, who was shot dead while working on a mission to help rebuild Afghanistan as the representative in the war-torn country of Japanese humanitarian aid group Peshawar-kai, some 500 people, including Afghanistan's ambassador to Japan, attended the ceremony. Nakamura, who was 73 when he passed away, was a graduate of Kyushu University.
   Speaking at the event, which was streamed live, Masaru Murakami, chairman of Peshawar-kai, said the group will proceed with all of its reconstruction projects. "We'll move forward," Murakami said.
   Photographs showing Nakamura engaging in support activities were put up at the venue of the memorial service. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani offered a video message to participants of the event.
   "He was a kind father who always thought about his family," said Akiko, Nakamura's daughter.


