2020.08.28 20:47Nation

北方領土・拉致動かず 日米同盟深化、国際舞台では存在感―安倍外交


2020.08.28 20:47Nation

Abe Boosts Ties with U.S., Fails to Solve Issues with Neighbors

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who announced his resignation for health reasons on Friday, rebuilt relations between Japan and the United States and deepened the bilateral alliance while falling short of resolving issues with Russia, North Korea and other neighboring countries.
   "I will rebuild Japan's hurt diplomacy," Abe said in February 2013 in his first policy speech in parliament after his return to power the preceding year, pledging to strengthen the Japan-U.S. alliance. Relations between the two countries were said to have been undermined under the administrations led by the now-defunct Democratic Party of Japan.
   In September 2015, the Abe government enacted national security legislation that made it legal for Japan to exercise the right to collective self-defense, or coming to the aid of an ally under attack, through a change to the interpretation of the pacifist Constitution, expanding the scope of activities overseas for Self-Defense Forces troops.
   In defense, Japan has become more integrated with the United States.
   Abe realized a visit to Hiroshima, the western Japan city atom-bombed by the United States in 1945, by U.S. President Barack Obama in May 2016, the first by a sitting American leader.


