2020.08.03 18:40Nation

コロナ倒産、400件突破 飲食最多、外出自粛響く―帝国データ


2020.08.03 18:40Nation

Coronavirus-Linked Failures Top 400 in Japan

The number of corporate bankruptcies triggered by the spread of the novel coronavirus has exceeded 400 in Japan, Teikoku Databank Ltd. said Monday.
   More and more restaurants and hotels have been forced out of business due to voluntary restrictions on going out, according to the credit research company.
   Total liabilities left by 385 of the failed companies came to 239,485 million yen. Nearly 80 pct of the 385 were small or midsize businesses with liabilities of less than 500 million yen.
   Fifty-four restaurant and bar operators went under, topping the list by industry category. They were followed by 48 hotels and "ryokan" traditional Japanese-style inns.
   By prefecture, the number of bankruptcies was highest in Tokyo at 95.


