2020.08.03 10:58Nation

NHK、衛星・ラジオ削減 肥大化批判で規模抑制


2020.08.03 10:58Nation

NHK to Reduce Satellite TV, Radio Channels

NHK plans to cut satellite television and AM radio channels as the Japanese public broadcaster has been under criticism for its bloated operations, informed sources said Monday.
   NHK, whose official name is Japan Broadcasting Corp., aims to include the reductions in a medium-term business plan for fiscal 2021-2023, the sources said.
   The broadcaster is expected to release the business plan as early as Tuesday subject to approval by its board of governors.
   NHK has already hammered out a plan to cut the number of satellite TV channels to three from the current four. It is now considering reducing the number to two.
   The current two AM radio channels are expected to be consolidated into one.


