2020.08.02 07:12Nation

日航機遺族、絵本を英訳出版 「当たり前の日常大切に」―事故から35年

 1985年ので夫を亡くした谷口真知子さん(72)=大阪府箕面市=が7月、家族を描いた絵本「パパの柿の木」の英訳版「MY PAPA’S Persimmon Tree」を出版した。「当たり前の日常を大切に生きてほしい」。絵本を通じて世界の子供にもメッセージが届くことを願っている。
 夫の正勝さん=当時(40)=は東京で上司の葬儀に参列した帰りに事故に遭った。「まち子 子供よろしく」。ズボンのポケットから短い走り書きが見つかった。主婦だった谷口さんはアパート経営を始め、当時13歳と9歳の息子2人を育て上げた。

2020.08.02 07:12Nation

Picture Book by JAL Accident Widow Translated into English

The widow of a victim in the 1985 crash of a Japan Airlines jumbo jet published in July an English translation of a picture book about her family.
   Machiko Taniguchi, a 72-year-old resident of Minoo, Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, hopes the book, "My Papa's Persimmon Tree," will have people all over the world, including children, cherish everyday life.
   Her husband, Masakatsu, then 40, was on his way home from the funeral of a superior at work in Tokyo when the accident occurred. A memo telling Machiko to take care of their children was found in the pocket of his pants at the crash site.
   Machiko, who was a homemaker, began working as a landlord for an apartment and raised her two sons, who were 13 and 9 at the time of the crash on Aug. 12, 1985, the world's deadliest single-aircraft accident, in which 520 passengers and crew members died.
   In 2016, she published a book with Kazuhiro Teishima, an illustrator friend. The project was inspired by Taniguchi's granddaughter, who upon visiting the crash site on the Osutaka ridge in the village of Ueno, Gunma Prefecture, north of Tokyo, said she wanted to have met her grandfather.


