2020.08.01 18:51Nation

帰省シーズン前に越境移動議論 「GoTo」も議題に―コロナ分科会

 西村康稔経済再生担当相は1日の記者会見で、新型コロナウイルス感染者の全国的な急増を踏まえ、来週にも開く次回のコロナ対策分科会で都道府県をまたぐ人の移動の在り方について専門家から意見を聴く方針を示した。人の越境移動を伴う観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンの扱いも議論になりそうだ。

2020.08.01 18:51Nation

Japan to Seek Expert Views over Travel between Prefectures

Economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said Saturday that the Japanese government plans to seek opinions from experts over travel across prefectural borders amid the new coronavirus crisis ahead of the summer holiday season.
   The next meeting of a government task force to combat the crisis will be an opportunity to hear from experts, Nishimura told a press conference, following the recent nationwide resurgence in the number of new infection cases.
   The government's handling of the Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign, which encourages travel between prefectures, may also be on the agenda at the meeting, to be held as early as next week.
   The government lifted its restriction advisory on travel across prefectural borders on June 19. But the recent spread of the virus triggered some prefectural governments to ask people not to make such trips.
   On Friday, the prefectural government of Okinawa, southernmost Japan, declared a state of emergency on its own, calling on people planning to visit Okinawa from other prefectures to make "a careful decision."


