2020.07.31 14:52Nation

平均寿命、男女とも最高 81.41歳と87.45歳―厚労省


2020.07.31 14:52Nation

Japan Life Expectancy Hits Record High for Both Men, Women

The average life expectancies of Japanese men and women marked their respective record highs in 2019, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said Friday.
   Japanese men's average life expectancy went up 0.16 year from the year before to 81.41 years, rewriting its record high for the eighth consecutive year.
   The life expectancy of Japanese women increased 0.13 year to 87.45 years, posting a record for the seventh straight year.
   By nation or region, Japanese women came in second behind Hong Kong, while Japanese men were in third place after Hong Kong and Switzerland. The ranks remained unchanged from the previous year.
   A ministry official said that a rise in health awareness and a decline in death rates from cancer, heart disorders and brain diseases, which are the three major causes of death in Japan, extended life expectancy.


