2020.07.31 11:06Nation

6月の鉱工業生産、2.7%上昇 「下げ止まり」も依然低水準


2020.07.31 11:06Nation

Japan June Industrial Output Up 2.7 Pct

Japan's industrial production in June rose 2.7 pct from May, up for the first time in five months, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said Friday.
   The seasonally adjusted production index for the manufacturing and mining sectors stood at 80.8 against 100 for the base year of 2015.
   The June result compared with the median forecast of a 1.2 pct rise among 17 economic research institutes surveyed by Jiji Press.
   The industrial shipment index stood at 80.8, up 5.2 pct, and the inventory index at 100.8, down 2.4 pct.
   Production at manufacturers is expected to increase by 11.3 pct in July and by 3.4 pct in August, the ministry said.


