2020.07.30 13:07Nation

北朝鮮、巡航ミサイル発射か 日本海に落下―韓国報道


2020.07.30 13:07Nation

N. Korea Fired Cruise Missile in Early July: Media

North Korea fired a cruise missile toward the Sea of Japan from around Sondok in the eastern province of South Hamgyong on July 4, the major South Korean daily Dong-A Ilbo reported Thursday.
   The missile flew several hundred kilometers and fell into the sea, which sits between the Korean Peninsula and Japan, according to a Dong-A Ilbo report from Washington.
   If the report is true, it was the first missile launch by North Korea since the country fired short-range cruise missiles in April.
   A U.S. government source told the newspaper that the latest firing is believed to be a development test for improving missile performance, explaining that the launch was intended to confirm the accuracy of the missile.
   Given that July 4 is Independence Day in the United States, North Korea's missile firing may be a warning to Washington, pundits said.


