2020.07.29 18:08Nation

日照不足で野菜高騰 ニンジン、ジャガイモが倍に


2020.07.29 18:08Nation

Vegetable Prices Surging in Japan due to Unfavorable Weather

Vegetable prices are surging in Japan due to poor crops blamed on unfavorable weather conditions such as a long spell of rain and a lack of sunlight.
   "If the rainy season ends in early August, vegetable prices would likely stabilize in the second half of the month," said an official of the Horticultural Crop Division of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry's Agricultural Production Bureau.
   But prices would remain high depending on weather conditions, continuing to hit Japanese households, analysts warned.
   At the Tokyo central wholesale market on Monday, wholesale prices stood at 321 yen per kilogram for carrots, up 2.2-fold from the levels in normal years, at 315 yen for potatoes, up 2.1-fold, at 291 yen for lettuces, up 1.7-fold, and at 520 yen for eggplants, up 1.6-fold.
   Carrots traded at the market mainly come from Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan, and the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, potatoes chiefly from the central prefecture of Shizuoka and lettuces mainly from Nagano Prefecture, also central Japan.


