東南アジアでDX推進 新型コロナ克服へ行動計画―日ASEAN

Japan, ASEAN Agree to Promote Digital Transformation
Economy ministers from Japan and the 10 ASEAN member states have drawn up an action plan calling for, among other things, the promotion of digital transformation, or DX, to overhaul existing systems through the use of digital technologies.
The action plan, adopted at a videoconference among the Japanese and Association of Southeast Asian Nations ministers on Wednesday, is aimed at revitalizing the ASEAN economies, which have been stricken by the novel coronavirus pandemic, by creating new businesses.
The program comprises 50 items, including the establishment of an online "DX platform" for supporting collaboration between Japanese and ASEAN companies to help them seek business opportunities while avoiding the risk of novel coronavirus infection.
Also among the measures in the action plan are a project for Japanese companies to offer education services employing information technologies and another to realize environmentally friendly smart cities through the use of the internet of the things, or IoT.
The action plan will "strongly support moves to fully reopen economic activities," Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshi Kajiyama said at the start of the videoconference, underlining the need to balance measures to contain the coronavirus crisis with efforts for economic revitalization.
