「判断延期」受け入れられず GoTo、感染拡大で提言も―尾身分科会長
政府の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会の尾身茂会長は29日の衆院国土交通委員会で、観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」をめぐり、感染拡大の状況を分析した上で事業の開始判断を先延ばしするよう政府に申し入れたが、受け入れられなかったことを明らかにした。古川元久氏(国民)への答弁。
Japan Govt Rejected Advice to Delay "Go To Travel" Program
The Japanese government rejected advice to postpone a decision on the Go To Travel tourism promotion program, the head of a government team on coronavirus countermeasures said Wednesday.
Shigeru Omi, head of the coronavirus subcommittee under a government expert panel, made the remark at a parliamentary committee meeting in response to a question from Motohisa Furukawa of the opposition Democratic Party for the People.
"I advised the government to put off its decision as I saw a need to prepare a convincing explanation backed by evidence by analyzing the results of epidemiological research" into Japan's coronavirus infection situation, Omi said.
But the advice was not accepted, he added.
Based on discussions at the subcommittee on July 16, the government decided to start Go To Travel on July 22, excluding trips to and from Tokyo. The program is intended to support the tourism industry through government-subsidized discounts and vouchers.