2020.06.11 19:13Nation

政府、性犯罪者へのGPS装着検討 被害者支援体制を強化―性暴力根絶へ政策網羅


2020.06.11 19:13Nation

Japan Mulls Mandatory GPS Monitoring of Sex Offenders

The Japanese government said Thursday it is considering the mandatory wearing of GPS monitoring devices by sex offenders on bail as part of a comprehensive set of measures to fight sex crimes and sexual violence.
   The Justice Ministry will spend about two years to investigate overseas systems and examples of the mandatory wearing.
   The ministry will consider possible Penal Code revisions based on opinions from the victims of sex crimes.
   While some people have voiced concerns over privacy violations, there are successful cases overseas, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a press conference.
   The government adopted the set of measures while setting the three years from fiscal 2020, which started in April, as an intensive period to eradicate sex crimes and sexual violence.


