2020.06.11 11:16Nation

東京都、休業第3段階への緩和検討 「東京アラート」解除も判断へ―新型コロナ


2020.06.11 11:16Nation

Tokyo Mulling Moving to Final Stage of Coronavirus Road Map

The Tokyo metropolitan government on Thursday started considering advancing to the final phase of its three-stage road map for easing its business suspension request issued as part of its efforts for containing the new coronavirus crisis.
   The metropolitan government is likely to make a decision later in the day, after studying the infection situation in the Japanese capital and hearing opinions from experts. It will also decide whether to lift its "Tokyo Alert," issued last week to call on residents to take extra caution against the virus.
   "Industries have prepared their respective guidelines for preventing infections," Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike told reporters. "We'll make a decision based on the analysis of the situation while asking experts to check the medical system," she added.
   According to informed sources, 22 new cases of the novel coronavirus were confirmed in Tokyo on Thursday.
   In the third stage, eating and drinking establishments without hospitality services and entertainment facilities such as karaoke parlors, pachinko pinball parlors, amusement parks and game arcades will see the business suspension request removed. Restaurants will be able to stay open until midnight, compared with 10 p.m. under the second stage.


