2020.06.10 10:50Nation

小池都知事はカイロ大卒 学長が学歴詐称疑惑否定


2020.06.10 10:50Nation

Cairo University Certifies Tokyo Gov. Koike's Graduation

Cairo University in Egypt has issued a statement acknowledging that Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike graduated from the school, in 1976, denying media reports that she is faking her academic credentials.
   "Cairo University certifies that Yuriko Koike...graduated from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, Cairo University in October 1976," said the statement, issued in the name of the Egyptian university's president, Mohamed Othman Elkhosht. It was posted on the Facebook page of the Egyptian embassy in Tokyo on Monday.
   Japanese media outlets such as Shukan Bunshun, a weekly magazine, have issued reports doubting that Koike graduated from the university.
   The statement criticized those reports, saying, "Such behavior seriously damages the honor of Cairo University and Cairo University graduates, and cannot be overlooked." It also said that the university is "considering appropriate measures based on the laws of Egypt."
   On the statement, Koike told reporters on Tuesday that it is "a proof" that she graduated from the university.


