2020.06.09 11:45Nation

「1人1口座」義務化、検討表明 マイナンバーと連結―高市総務相


2020.06.09 11:45Nation

Japan Mulling Linking My Number with Bank Account: Minister

The Japanese government will consider making it mandatory to link the My Number personal identification numbers with a deposit or savings account, internal affairs minister Sanae Takaichi said Tuesday.
   The government will abandon an initially considered plan to require the social security and tax identification numbers to be linked with every bank account. Instead, the government will consider a system under which only applicants' My Numbers will be linked with their bank accounts.
   The linkage is designed to help authorities to distribute cash handouts to citizens more quickly.
   Takaichi told a press conference that such a linkage will allow authorities to provide a wide range of benefits not only to households but also directly to individual citizens.
   "Just registering information on one bank account will contribute to speedy distribution of handouts and a cut in administrative costs," Takaichi said.


