2020.06.08 19:44Nation

一律10万円、給付率21.4% 都市部で遅れ―総務省


2020.06.08 19:44Nation

Only 21 Pct of Japan Households Received 100,000-Yen Handouts

Only 21.4 pct of all households in Japan have received the central government's universal cash handouts of 100,000 yen per person, internal affairs ministry data showed Monday.
   The benefits, a key emergency economic stimulus measure to address the novel coronavirus crisis, had been paid into the bank accounts of 12.5 million households by Wednesday.
   More than a month has passed since the Diet, the country's parliament, enacted the first supplementary budget for fiscal 2020 including the cash handout program.
   But many municipalities in urban areas, including Tokyo's 23 wards, are taking time over related tasks such as preparing to send applications to local residents.
   Eligible for the benefits are all people listed on the basic resident register as of April 27, including foreign residents.


