2020.06.08 18:19Nation

安倍首相、巨額予備費「長期戦に必要」 持続化給付金、不正の余地ない―2次補正




 1次補正に盛り込まれた観光需要喚起策「Go To キャンペーン」の最大3095億円の事務委託費については「過去に実施した消費喚起キャンペーンの際に生じた費用を参考に計上した」と説明。「事業目的に応じた効果が最大限発揮されるよう、担当省庁で適切な執行に努めさせる」と語った。(2020/06/08-18:19)

2020.06.08 18:19Nation

Abe Stresses Need for Massive Reserve Funds in Virus Fight

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe highlighted on Monday the need for 10 trillion yen of reserve funds earmarked in a fiscal 2020 draft second supplementary budget to prepare for a long fight against the new coronavirus.
   "In anticipation of a long battle, the government needs to launch countermeasures in a flexible and timely way," Abe told a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   At the meeting, Kensuke Onishi of the major opposition Democratic Party for the People, said it would be tantamount to suicide for the Diet to give a blank check to the government over such unprecedentedly huge reserve funds without deliberations.
   Abe said the government will appropriately report how it uses the reserve funds to the Diet, which started its discussions on the second extra budget the same day.
   Also at the meeting, Abe defended his government over controversial outsourcing of operations to provide subsidies to businesses hit by the fallout from the coronavirus crisis.


