2020.06.08 12:20Nation

現場で献花「悲しみ残る」 秋葉原無差別殺傷から12年―東京




2020.06.08 12:20Nation

Flowers Laid for Victims of 2008 Akihabara Rampage

Flowers were laid near an intersection in Tokyo's Akihabara district on Monday to remember the victims of a vehicle and knifing rampage that left seven people dead and 10 others injured 12 years ago.
   "I cannot forget (the incident) no matter how many years pass and only sadness remains," said a 32-year-old self-employed man from Tokyo's Adachi Ward. He met one of the victims in Akihabara and they got along as both liked anime, he said.
   "I don't know what to do with my painful feelings," the man said in tears. The victim was an "empathic person," he said.
   The rampage took place in an area opened for pedestrians at an intersection near East Japan Railway Co.'s Akihabara Station on June 8, 2008. Tomohiro Kato, now 37, rammed a truck into the pedestrian area hitting some passersby before stabbing others with a knife. The perpetrator is now on death row.
   Masato Takasaki knew Takahiro Kawaguchi, who was 19 when he was killed by the truck, from junior high school. They used to belong to the same school club.


