2020.06.07 20:30Nation

新型コロナ専門家会議の議事概要、今後は発言者明示 政府


2020.06.07 20:30Nation

Japan Virus Expert Meetings' Summaries to Show Names of Speakers

The Japanese government plans to include the names of speakers in the summaries of future meetings of its expert panel on the novel coronavirus, Japanese economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura said Sunday.
   As for the panel's past meetings, which have been held 15 times, the government will stick to its conventional policy of not producing records showing the names of speakers, Nishimura told a press conference.
   The government had only been making meeting summaries in which the names of speakers are not recorded, instead of creating detailed minutes.
   As the opposition camp claimed that the way records of the expert panel meetings are kept is inappropriate, the government had been considering the response it should make on the matter.
   Nishimura said the names of speakers were not included in the past meeting summaries by consensus of the panel.


