2020.06.08 01:26Nation

沖縄県議選、知事与党が過半数維持 玉城氏、辺野古移設「反対変わらず」


2020.06.08 01:26Nation

Voting under Way in Okinawa Prefectural Assembly Election

Voting is under way in Sunday's Okinawa prefectural assembly election, closely watched for its potential impact on a controversial plan to relocate a U.S. military base within the southernmost Japan prefecture.
   The focus is whether the ruling bloc supporting Governor Denny Tamaki, including Japanese Communist Party and Social Democratic Party members, can maintain a majority in the assembly. Tamaki opposes the plan to move the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base in Ginowan, a densely populated city in Okinawa, to the Henoko coastal area in Nago, also Okinawa, demanding the base be moved out of the prefecture.
   As of 11 a.m. (2 a.m. GMT), voter turnout stood at 6.95 pct, down 3.43 percentage points from the same time in the previous election four years ago. Early voters numbered 171,752 as of Saturday, accounting for 19.38 pct of all eligible voters and up by some 21,000 from the previous election.
   The polls will close at 8 p.m. and vote counting will start immediately after that.
   Sixty-four candidates have applied for the 48 assembly seats. Of them, 35 are in the ruling bloc, while 26 belong to the opposition side, such as the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. Three candidates are independents.


