2020.06.06 17:07Nation

内閣支持38%、不支持61% 新型コロナ対応、6割「評価せず」―時事世論調査


2020.06.06 17:07Nation

Abe Cabinet Approval at 38.1 Pct in May: Jiji Poll

The approval rate for Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet in May stood at 38.1 pct, while the disapproval rate came to 61.3 pct, a Jiji Press survey showed Saturday.
   The proportion of respondents who evaluated the government's response to the novel coronavirus epidemic negatively stood at 60.0 pct, greatly exceeding the proportion viewing it favorably, at 37.4 pct, according to the nationwide survey.
   On the timing of the government's lifting of its state of emergency over the coronavirus, 54.7 pct said it was appropriate, while 35.0 pct said it was too early and 7.9 pct said it was too late. The coronavirus state of emergency was removed in three stages, with a full removal coming on May 25.
   Jiji Press had been conducting the opinion survey through face-to-face interviews, but changed the format to a mail system in May in light of infection concerns. Questionnaires were mailed on May 21 and results were compiled based on responses that arrived by Monday.
   In the previous survey, which was conducted in March in the face-to-face format and thus cannot be directly compared with the May survey, the approval rate for Abe's cabinet stood at 39.3 pct and the disapproval rate at 38.8 pct, with 22.0 pct saying they did not know. No survey was conducted in April.


