2020.06.03 11:23Nation

災害に強いまちづくり推進 改正都市再生特措法が成立


2020.06.03 11:23Nation

Japan to Promote Disaster-Resistant Urban Development

Japan's parliament Wednesday enacted bills to promote urban development to make communities more resilient from natural disasters, following heavy rain damages in many parts of the country in recent years.
   The bills, including one to revise a special measures law on urban redevelopment, were approved by a majority vote with support mainly from the ruling bloc, at a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet.
   Under the new legislation, the central government will strengthen restrictions on the construction of buildings in regions at high risk of tsunami, landslides and other disasters.
   Municipalities with compact city development projects will be required to draw up disaster reduction guidelines in the development areas to which relocations of locals will be promoted.
   At present, there is a ban on the establishment of offices and shops for rent as well as housing for sale in so-called red zones, considered to be at high risk of landslide and other disasters.


