2020.06.02 18:39Nation

最優先は「コロナ克服と経済成長」 中西経団連、2期目スタート




2020.06.02 18:39Nation

Keidanren's Nakanishi Resolved to Achieve Growth by Overcoming Virus Crisis

Hiroaki Nakanishi, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, said Tuesday that his priority is to overcome the novel coronavirus crisis to achieve economic growth in the country.
   In his address to mark the start of his second term as Keidanren chief at an annual meeting of Japan's biggest business lobby, Nakanishi then vowed to further promote digital innovation and international cooperation in the private sector.
   During the meeting, joined online by most of members other than the chairman and new vice chairmen, Nakanishi noted that the coronavirus crisis has raised the significance of his "Society 5.0" initiative seeking to resolve social issues through innovation in digital technologies, referring to the quick spread of teleworking, remote medical services and online teaching.
   Taking part in the meeting through a video message, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the promotion of digital technology is part of national growth strategy in the coronavirus era.
   His administration is determined to revitalize the Japanese economy with digital innovation, the world's biggest fiscal spending and unprecedentedly accommodative monetary policy, Abe stressed.


