2020.05.21 20:33Nation

トルコで日本企業協力の大型病院開業 新型コロナ治療に貢献




2020.05.21 20:33Nation

Huge Hospital Built in Turkey with Japanese Aid Opens

A ceremony was held in Istanbul on Thursday to celebrate the formal opening of a huge hospital built in the largest Turkish city with cooperation from Japanese trading house Sojitz Corp. and others.
   Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital is expected to play a key role in the treatment of people infected with the novel coronavirus.
   It has over 2,600 beds, compared with some 1,400 beds at Fujita Health University Hospital, Japan's largest hospital in terms of bed capacity, which is in the city of Toyoake in Aichi Prefecture in the central part of the nation.
   The Istanbul facility also has about 400 intensive care unit beds, one of the highest among hospitals in Europe. It partially opened in April and is accepting coronavirus patients.
   On its name, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech on Monday that cam, which means pine in Turkish, and sakura, or cherry blossom in Japanese, are symbols of Turkey and Japan, respectively, stressing that the hospital was created as a result of cooperation between the two countries.


