2020.05.21 18:15Nation

黒川検事長が辞表提出 賭けマージャン認め、訓告処分


2020.05.21 18:15Nation

Top Tokyo Prosecutor Kurokawa Admits Gambling on Mahjong

Hiromu Kurokawa, the embattled chief of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, has admitted playing mahjong for money earlier this month during Japan's coronavirus state of emergency, an executive of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party said Thursday.
   The Justice Ministry is set to report the outcome of its investigation into the matter to a meeting of senior members of the Judicial Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament.
   Shukan Bunshun, a Japanese weekly magazine, reported in its edition that went on sale on Thursday that Kurokawa, 63, gambled on mahjong with newspaper employees at the house of a reporter of the Sankei Shimbun major daily in Tokyo on May 1 and 13.
   Both ruling and opposition lawmakers are demanding Kurokawa's resignation.
   The Japanese government declared the state of emergency in April. It remains in place in some of the country's 47 prefectures, including Tokyo.


