2020.05.21 16:01Nation

月刊誌のコロナデザイン撤回 著作権の観点考慮―外国特派員協会

 問題となったのは、日本に拠点を置く外国ジャーナリストらが会員になっている協会の月刊誌「NUMBER 1 SHIMBUN」4月号の表紙。市松模様の大会エンブレムがウイルスを想起させる形に加工されて掲載され、組織委が「著作権の侵害に当たる」などとして撤回を求めた。アズハリ会長は弁護士に助言されて決断に至ったと説明したが、会見では表現の自由の観点などから撤回に同意できないとする記者の意見が相次いだ。

2020.05.21 16:01Nation

Foreign Journalists Club in Japan to Retract Virus-Inspired Design

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan said Thursday it will retract a cover design of its monthly magazine that parodied the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic emblem by incorporating the features of the novel coronavirus particle.
   The organizing committee of the Tokyo Games had demanded the drawing's retraction.
   "We would like to express our sincere regret to anyone who may have (been) offended" by this issue, FCCJ President Khaldon Azhari told an online press conference.
   The cover image of the April issue of the Number 1 Shimbun magazine depicted an image of the circular checkered-pattern emblem of the 2020 Games added with club-shaped spikes. The addition made it look like a particle of the new coronavirus that is raging in the world.
   In asking the FCCJ to withdraw the design, the Tokyo Games organizing committee had claimed that it amounted to copyright infringement.


