2020.05.19 16:03Nation

外国特派員協会に撤回要求 コロナのデザイン掲載で―東京五輪組織委

 問題となったのは、日本に拠点を置く外国ジャーナリストらが会員となっている協会の月刊誌「NUMBER 1 SHIMBUN」4月号の表紙。市松模様が特徴の大会エンブレムがウイルスを想起させる形にデザインされ、協会公式サイトにも掲載された。組織委の高谷正哲スポークスパーソンは「多大な被害がもたらされている中で誠に遺憾。著作権の侵害にも当たると考えている」と述べ、書面で撤回を申し入れたことを明らかにした。(2020/05/19-16:03)

2020.05.19 16:03Nation

Tokyo Olympic C'ttee Slams Foreign Journalist Assn over Magazine Cover

The organizing committee of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics has demanded that the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan retract a cover design of its monthly magazine, which depicts an image apparently combining the Olympic emblem and an illustration of the novel coronavirus that is raging in the world.
   The committee also lodged a protest over the cover image of the April issue of the Number 1 Shimbun magazine, criticizing the association for the lack of consideration for many people and athletes.
   The image in question is the circular checkered-pattern emblem of the Olympic Games added with club-shaped spikes. The addition makes it look like the shape of the coronavirus. The image was also posted on the journalist association's website.
   The committee urged the association to pull the image in writing, according to Masanori Takaya, spokesperson of the committee.
   "It's extremely regrettable that such an image was used at a time when the virus crisis has caused tremendous damage," Takaya said. "We believe it also amounts to copyright infringement."


