2020.05.08 20:09Business

20年3月期は赤字・減益相次ぐ コロナ打撃、今期さらに悪化―大手商社


2020.05.08 20:09Business

Major Japanese Traders' FY 2019 Earnings Battered by Coronavirus

Five of seven major Japanese trading companies faced severe earnings setbacks in fiscal 2019 due to commodity price falls and a slump in demand for durable goods amid the global novel coronavirus pandemic, according to their latest financial statements released by Friday.
   In the year that ended in March, Marubeni Corp. suffered a record group net loss of 197.4 billion yen, while Sumitomo Corp. saw its net profit fall by 46.5 pct year on year, Sojitz Corp. by 13.6 pct, Mitsubishi Corp. by 9.4 pct and Mitsui & Co. by 5.5 pct.


