2020.05.03 22:22Nation

緊急事態、月末まで延長 政府、4日決定―「特定警戒」入れ替え見送り


2020.05.03 22:22Nation

Japan Govt to Extend Coronavirus Emergency through End of May

The Japanese government decided Sunday on a policy to extend the ongoing state of emergency over the outbreak of the new coronavirus through the end of May.
   The government's coronavirus response headquarters will meet Monday to officially decide on the extension beyond the current expiration date of Wednesday.
   The extended emergency declaration will cover all 47 prefectures of the country.
   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura and health minister Katsunobu Kato met at the prime minister's office on Sunday. After analyzing the situation of COVID-19 infections in the country, they agreed that it would be appropriate to extend the emergency declaration through the end of this month.
   Abe will hold a press conference from 6 p.m. (9 a.m. GMT) Monday to seek public understanding about the emergency state extension aimed at containing the virus outbreak.


