2020.05.02 07:37Nation

宙に浮く「安定継承」 次期政権先送り観測も―天皇陛下即位から1年


2020.05.02 07:37Nation

Stable Imperial Succession Debate in Japan Up in Air

Discussions on how to ensure stable Imperial succession in Japan have been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic.
   "Our focus is on responding to the pandemic," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference on Thursday, a day before Emperor Naruhito marked one year since his ascension to the throne.
   Initially, the government planned to start Imperial succession discussions after the "Rikkoshi-no-Rei" ceremonies to proclaim the rise to first in line to the throne of Crown Prince Akishino, the younger brother of Emperor Naruhito.
   Last year, the government started hearings with experts about whether female members of the Imperial Family should be allowed to maintain their status after marriage and the idea of restoring Imperial Family status to those who left the family soon after the end of World War II.
   The government, however, postponed Rikkoshi-no-Rei's main proclamation event, scheduled for April 19, after declaring a state of emergency over the pandemic on April 7. Imperial succession debate was also put off as a result.


