2020.04.19 07:21Nation

救急搬送、受け入れ拒否増加 「疑い」例の扱い苦慮―院内感染懸念・新型コロナ


2020.04.19 07:21Nation

Possible COVID-19 Patients Rejected by Hospitals in Japan

With the number of novel coronavirus cases surging in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan, hospitals are increasingly refusing to accept sick people on ambulances as they are not ready to treat suspected COVID-19 patients.
   According to the Tokyo metropolitan government's emergency and disaster medical care section, there were 931 cases in March in which people ferried by ambulances were rejected by five or more hospitals or had to wait for 20 minutes or longer before finding a hospital for treatment, up 231 cases year on year. The number of such cases reached 830 in the first 11 days of April.
   Of those patients, some 70 pct showed symptoms often seen in COVID-19 sufferers, such as fever and respiratory problems.
   "We can't secure private rooms," a medical worker said. Hospitals are allowed to put more than one patient who tested positive for the virus in the same room but not a person suspected of being infected with the virus.
   In one case, a woman in her 40s was rejected by over 50 hospitals in Tokyo before she was accepted by a hospital in Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture, east of the capital, and found to be infected on Thursday, according to the city's public health center.


