2020.04.18 07:33Nation

「10万円給付」対象範囲は 新生児、外国人、受刑者―09年の定額給付金で議論も


2020.04.18 07:33Nation

Who Can Get 100,000-Yen Cash Handouts?

With Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe having decided to hand out 100,000 yen per person from the state coffers to help people fight the fallout of the novel coronavirus, the question arises: Who is eligible for the cash benefits?
   As no income limit will be set for the cash handout program, every citizen is likely to be entitled to the benefits. But how about newborn babies, Japanese living abroad or prison inmates, for example?
   According to an estimate by the internal affairs ministry's Statistics Bureau, Japan's population stood at about 125,950,000 as of March 1. Based on the data, the program will cost over 12 trillion yen.
   The estimated population figure, however, excluded Japanese living abroad, forecast to have totaled some 1.4 million as of Oct. 1, 2018, while foreigners staying in Japan for more than three months were counted.
   A clue to the scope of eligibility may be found in a cash handout program the government implemented in 2009, in the wake of the global financial crisis triggered by the September 2008 collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers. The program paid 20,000 per person to young and elderly people, and 12,000 yen to others.


