2020.04.17 11:50Nation

コロナ失業の外国人救済 他職種への再就職可能に―入管庁


2020.04.17 11:50Nation

Japan to OK Career Changes by Foreigners Displaced amid Virus Crisis

The Japanese government will exceptionally allow foreigners employed in the country as technical trainees or specified skilled workers to get jobs outside their area of specialization if they become jobless due to the coronavirus crisis.
   Japan's Immigration Services Agency announced the measure on Friday as part of its efforts to help jobless foreigners. Applications for employment under the measure will be accepted from Monday.
   When employers of foreign workers in Japan release them for unavoidable reasons, they are urged to find another work in the same job category for foreigners.
   But the agency judged that such workers need to be allowed to change careers as the economic slowdown stemming from the viral epidemic has made it difficult to find a new job in the same job category.
   The measure is also designed to encourage foreign workers to switch to industries facing severe labor shortages.


