2020.04.17 13:02Nation

大型連休、帰省や旅行自粛を 全国知事会、休業協力金に交付金活用も提言




2020.04.17 13:02Nation

Prefectural Governors Respond to Nationwide COVID-19 Emergency

Prefectural governors from across Japan held a teleconference on Friday, a day after the central government expanded its emergency declaration over the COVID-19 infectious disease to cover the whole country.
   "We're facing a crucial phase that all governors must unite to overcome," Tokushima Governor Kamon Iizumi, president of the National Governors' Association, said at the outset of the teleconference.
   Kagoshima Governor Satoshi Mitazono emphasized the importance of restricting interregional movements of people. "To get the effects of the nationwide expansion (of the emergency declaration), we should continue to send strong messages to the people," Mitazono said.
   "I strongly hope that everyone will warn against travel across prefectural borders," Nagano Prefecture's Shuichi Abe said.
   On the central government's planned one trillion yen of emergency subsidies to local governments, Yoshihiro Murai from Miyagi Prefecture claimed that the total amount was "far from enough."


