2020.04.17 10:43Nation

和牛受精卵保護2法、成立 罰金最大1000万円


2020.04.17 10:43Nation

Japan Enacts Bills to Protect "Wagyu" Genetic Resources

Japan's parliament Friday enacted two bills to boost the protection of fertilized eggs and sperm of "wagyu" Japanese beef cattle, which is popular in and outside the country.
   The bills were approved unanimously at a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament. Both passed the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, early in April.
   One is aimed at preventing unfair competition over livestock genetic resources, regarding genetic resources that have gone through improvements as intellectual property.
   It stipulates a fine of up to 10 million yen or a prison term of up to 10 years for individuals who illegally take such resources abroad.
   The legislation will also allow intellectual property rights owners to request court injunctions if businesses that have acquired such resources engage in resale violating contracts between the two sides.


