2020.04.16 17:55Nation

武田担当相「社会支えてもらう」 公務員定年延長、審議入り―衆院




2020.04.16 17:55Nation

Japan Diet Starts Debates on Govt Worker Retirement Age Hike

The Diet started on Thursday debates on bills to raise the retirement age of national civil servants, at a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Japanese parliament.
   According to the legislation, the retirement age, which now stands at 60, would be raised by one every two years from fiscal 2022 until it reaches 65 in fiscal 2030. The hike, part of the government's social security reforms aimed at creating a system beneficial to all generations, is intended to help veteran workers continue playing active roles at workplace.
   "It's important to allow willing people to work by fully displaying their abilities and support society" as the country's working-age population is decreasing amid the graying of society and the sluggish birthrate, Ryota Takeda, minister for civil service reforms, said, underscoring the significance of the legislation.
   Meanwhile, government employees who have reached 60 will be removed from managerial positions in principle, a measure designed to increase chances for younger employees to serve in important posts in order to boost their motivation and help each government organization maintain dynamism eventually.
   Based on examples of private-sector companies, salaries of national civil servants aged 61 or over will be reduced to 70 pct of the levels they get before reaching the age, to curb personnel costs.


