2020.04.15 07:15Nation

がん5年生存率64.1% 肺は男性、ぼうこうは女性低く―国立センター


2020.04.15 07:15Nation

Japan's Cancer Survival Rate Improves to 64.1 Pct

Japan's National Cancer Center said Wednesday that the five-year survival rate of people diagnosed with cancer in 2009 to 2011 was 64.1 pct.
   The rate improved by 2 percentage points from that of patients diagnosed in 2006 to 2008.
   The rate, which excludes deaths caused by noncancer factors, was 61.9 pct for men and 66.8 pct for women.
   There was a large gap between the sexes in the survival rate for lung cancer, with only 29.3 pct of men surviving after five years and 46.6 pct of women staying alive after the same period.
   "The high rate of male smokers is believed to affect the figure, and many male patients had squamous cell carcinoma, which can be easily triggered by smoking," Tomohiro Matsuda, the head of the office handling national cancer registries, said.


