2020.04.13 22:52Nation

新型コロナ感染者の7割、50代以下 死亡は8割超が70代以上―厚労省集計


2020.04.13 22:52Nation

People Aged under 60 Make Up 70 Pct of Japan Coronavirus Cases

People in their 50s and younger have made up about 70 pct of cumulative confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Japan, while those in their 70s and older accounted for more than 80 pct of fatalities, health ministry data showed Monday.
   The data exclude cases of infections among passengers and crew members of the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined off Japan earlier this year over the virus.
   As of 6 p.m. Sunday (9 a.m. GMT), 102 people had died in Japan after contracting the coronavirus, including 37 in their 70s, 36 in their 80s and 11 aged 90 or over. Those in their 70s and older accounted for 82.4 pct of the total fatal cases.
   Meanwhile, fatal cases stood at zero among infected people in their 30s or younger, two among those in their 40s, six among those in their 50s and nine among those in their 60s.
   The number of patients with serious symptoms stood at 135, including 32 in their 70s and 21 in their 80s. That of severely ill people in their 30s and younger came to seven, while 39 people in their 60s had severe symptoms.


