2020.04.13 23:30Nation

一日の委員会数、絞り込み 与野党、秘書感染で対策急ぐ―新型コロナ


2020.04.13 23:30Nation

Japan Diet to Cut Committee Attendance amid Virus Crisis

Senior Japanese ruling party and opposition officials agreed Monday to cut the daily number of meetings of committees of the Diet, the country's parliament, and that of participating lawmakers in order to reduce the risk of infection with the novel coronavirus.
   Hiroshi Moriyama, Diet affairs chief of the governing Liberal Democratic Party, and Jun Azumi, parliamentary affairs head of the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, reached the accord after a secretary to an LDP lawmaker has been confirmed to be infected with the virus.
   The government has set a target of reducing human-to-human contact in the country by 80 pct in a bid to contain the coronavirus crisis.
   In line with the goal, the ruling and opposition sides will adjust the number of Diet committee meetings per day to reduce the daily number of House of Representatives lawmakers showing up at the Diet to some 90, accounting for about 20 pct of the 465 Lower House seats.
   After the meeting with Azumi, Moriyama told reporters that he wants to make sure that lawmakers' committee attendance will be cut by 70 to 80 pct as a whole in the Diet. Azumi said he and Moriyama agreed that the Diet needs to take the lead in reaching the human-to-human contract reduction target.


