2020.04.13 16:13Nation

超党派議連の靖国参拝中止 春の例大祭、新型コロナで


2020.04.13 16:13Nation

Japanese Lawmakers Cancel Yasukuni Visit This Month

A suprapartisan group of Japanese lawmakers will refrain from visiting Yasukuni Shrine during its two-day spring festival from April 21, due to the spread of the novel coronavirus, Jiji Press learned Monday.
   The group has regularly visited the war-linked Shinto shrine during the spring and autumn festivals and on the Aug. 15 anniversary of the end of World War II.
   "It's unusual for them to cancel their group Yasukuni visit," people familiar with the matter said.
   "Whether to make a visit in August depends on the coronavirus situation," they added.
   During the autumn festival in October last year, 98 members of the group visited the shrine together.


