2020.04.13 16:28Nation

IOC追加負担は数百億円 22年延期「日本側が難色」―バッハ会長

 また東京五輪に向けた国内オリンピック委員会(NOC)や国際競技団体(IF)への分配金支給も1年延長するとした。 (時事)(2020/04/13-16:28)

2020.04.13 16:28Nation

To Cover Hundreds of Millions Dlrs for Postponed Olympics: Bach

International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has reportedly indicated that the IOC would shoulder hundreds of millions of dollars in extra costs associated with the one-year postponement of the Tokyo Summer Olympics to 2021.
   "It is already clear that we shall be faced with several hundred million dollars of additional costs," Bach said in an interview with Welt, which was carried in the German newspaper's online edition on Sunday. "The IOC will continue to be responsible for its share of the costs," he also said.
   Additional costs linked to the postponement of the Tokyo Olympics are expected to total hundreds of billions of yen. On the total amount of additional costs, Bach said, "That is impossible to say for now."
   He noted that the IOC and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have agreed that "Japan will continue to cover the costs it would have done under the terms of the existing agreement for 2020." The Tokyo Olympics, initially slated for this summer, has been put off amid the global spread of the novel coronavirus. The Tokyo Paralympics has also been postponed by one year to 2021.
   Bach rejected the idea of postponing the Tokyo Olympics by another year, to 2022, if the coronavirus pandemic is not brought under control. The Japanese side "made it very clear to me that Japan could not manage a postponement beyond next summer at the latest," in terms of the availability of venues and personnel costs, he said.


