2024.09.09 18:03Nation

新規出店、来年秋までに10カ所 「相談拠点増やす」―岩永りそな銀社長


2024.09.09 18:03Nation

INTERVIEW: Resona to Open Branches for In-Person Consultations

Japan's Resona Bank will introduce a new style of bank branch focusing on face-to-face consultations, President Shoichi Iwanaga said in a recent interview with Jiji Press.
   The bank plans to open the first such branch in the western prefecture of Nara by the end of November and add some 10 branches by the end of September 2025.
   It will be the first time in about six and a half years for Resona to open a new branch. The bank is rethinking its strategy on the number of branches.
   Following the expansion of the Nippon Individual Savings Account tax-exemption program for small-lot investors and the end of the Bank of Japan's massive monetary easing campaign both this year, people are more interested in asset management.
   "Customer demand is starting to increase explosively," Iwanaga emphasized. "The number of people who want to receive consultations in person, not online, will rise."


