2024.09.06 20:39Nation

日韓、シャトル外交を継続 入国手続き円滑化へ―岸田・尹氏、最後の首脳会談


2024.09.06 20:39Nation

Kishida Affirms Shuttle Diplomacy in Last S. Korea Trip as PM

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida discussed Friday with South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol the importance of continuing "shuttle diplomacy," in what was likely his last summit with Yoon.
   In addition to reaffirming the significance of mutual visits by Japanese and South Korean leaders, Kishida and Yoon also agreed that the two neighboring countries will continue to strengthen relations and expand people-to-people exchanges ahead of the 60th anniversary of the normalization of their diplomatic relations next year.
   Kishida is set to resign after the Sept. 27 leadership election for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   In the meeting at the South Korean presidential office in Seoul, the two leaders shared the view that it is important for the people of both countries to feel the fruits of their bilateral relationship, which has made a great leap forward.
   "It is essential for the leaders of the two countries to visit each other frequently and continue frank discussions," Kishida told reporters after the meeting, adding that efforts to further improve the bilateral relations will be necessary even after his successor takes office.


