2024.08.28 17:29World eye


【ウクライナAFP=時事】ウクライナ軍は近い将来、ロボット犬をロシア軍との戦闘の前線に投入し、兵士の代わりに塹壕(ざんごう)の偵察や地雷探知など、危険な任務を任せるようになる可能性がある。(写真は、ウクライナ軍が非公開の場所でデモンストレーションを行ったロボット犬「BAD One」とオペレーター)
 ウクライナの非公開の場所で行われたデモンストレーションでは、ロボット犬「BAD One」はオペレーターが送信する指示に従い、立ち上がったり、しゃがんだり、走ったり、ジャンプしたりした。
 今回のデモンストレーションで使用された「BAD One」は、稼働時間約2時間のバッテリーを搭載している。より高度なモデルの「BAD Two」は、セキュリティー上の理由から公開されなかった。
2024.08.28 17:29World eye

Ukraine to unleash robot dogs on its front lines

Ukraine could soon unleash robot dogs on its front lines, replacing soldiers for perilous missions like spying on Russian trenches or detecting mines.
At a demonstration in an undisclosed part of Ukraine, the metallic dog known as model BAD One stood up, crouched, ran and jumped according to commands transmitted by its operator.
Stealthy and agile, they could soon become an invaluable ally on the front line for an Ukrainian army that is short on manpower to repel the Russian invasion, its makers said.
Low on the ground and therefore difficult to detect, the robot dogs can use thermal imaging to inspect enemy trenches or the inside of buildings in combat zones.
We have surveillance soldiers who get sent on reconnaissance missions (who) are most of the time very highly trained people, very experienced people (and) always exposed to risks, said the operator who called himself Yuri, as he showed it off to AFP journalists.
This dog limits the risk for soldiers and increases operational capabilities. This is the core function of the dog, said the operator, who works for a British company providing military equipment.
A more advanced model, known as BAD Two could not be shown for security reasons.
The device used in the demonstration has a battery that powers it for around two hours.
Useful for detecting mines or improvised explosive devices, the robot dog can also be used to carry up to seven kilos (15 pounds) of ammunition or medicines to hot spots on the battlefield.
I can't say how many we deployed in Ukraine, Yuri said, adding: But it will have a significant impact on the operations and increase the safety of soldiers.
And if the robot dogs were ever to fall into Russian hands, he said, an emergency switch allows the operator to erase all its data.


