2024.08.27 21:48Nation

堀井衆院議員が辞職へ 公選法違反事件巡り


2024.08.27 21:48Nation

Scandal-Hit Former LDP Member Horii to Resign as Lawmaker

Manabu Horii, who quit Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party in July amid allegations of an election law violation, has decided to resign as a House of Representatives lawmaker, informed sources said Tuesday.
   The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is considering a summary indictment against Horii on charges of violating the public offices election law by allegedly making funeral offerings to voters in his constituency in the northern prefecture of Hokkaido around 2022.
   Horii, a former speed skater who won a bronze medal at the 1994 Winter Olympics, was first elected to the Lower House in 2012. He has since served as parliamentary vice minister for foreign affairs and state minister of the Cabinet Office.
   In the LDP, Horii belonged to a faction once led by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The faction was at the center of a high-profile "slush fund" scandal, in which he failed to report a total of 21.96 million yen in political funds between 2018 and 2022.


